FixGUI Documentation

This library allows you to create GUI programs.


This is a preview release intended only for the most dedicated programmers. The major foundations are resolved, but a lot of work is still needed.


FixGUI supports both native views (widgets) and platform independent views that emulate the look and feel of the system. You can also have completely custom implementations. The native views are simply called Views. The platform independent views are called SubViews because they reside inside a native view (canvas).

There are various premade subviews for buttons, scrollviews and other widgets. These provide the foundation for custom implementation which require basically just to provide the painting code. There are also variants of "pure" subviews, these emulate the native look and feel and can be also customized.

To summarize, the native views are called directly, eg. Button, the general foundation for custom buttons is SubButton and a fully functional emulation of the native button is PureButton.

Currently it is recommended to use subviews only as these are more developed, provide a consistent experience between platforms and are easier to work with. The exceptions are top-level windows and menus.

Application lifecycle

The application starts at the init function with no parameters (instead of the main function of console applications). This function is responsible for initializing the GUI or exiting.

The application continues to run while there are visible windows or when a notify icon is created. Once this is not true, the application will quit. Any other tasks will be abruptly terminated.

Native views

Custom views

Emulated views

Complex views

Global functions