FixIO Documentation

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use "io/sql";

ParamString class

Represents a mutable parametrized SQL string. It is used to hold the textual portions of the SQL query/command along with the parameters for easy dynamic building of the queries.

Supported operators: +, += with ParamString and String types (for concatenation).
A short variant of the constructors is available: ParamString(...)


static function create(query: String, ...): ParamString
Creates a new parametrized string. More details about the parameters is provided here.
function clone(): ParamString
Returns a clone of the parametrized string.
function wrap(): ParamString
function wrap(prefix: String, suffix: String): ParamString
Wraps the string with given prefix and suffix (or with parenthesis when not provided). The current string is modified and returned.
function get_query(): String
function get_signature(): String
function get_params(): Dynamic[]
Returns a direct reference to the internal components of the parametrized string.