FixUtil Documentation

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import "util/long";

Long class

This class allows to work easilly with 64-bit signed integers.

Supported operators: +, -, *, /, %, &, |, ^, <<, >>, >>>, <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &=, |=, ^=, <<=, >>=, >>>= with Long and Integer types.
A short variant of the constructors is available: Long(...)


var lo: Integer;
var hi: Integer;
The low and high order part of the 64-bit integer.


static function create(): Long
static function create(value: Integer): Long
static function create(lo: Integer, hi: Integer): Long
Creates a new long with given value (or zero).
static function from_string(s: String): Long
Creates a new long from string representation, throwing an error on improper format.


function set(other: Long): Long
function set_int(value: Integer): Long
function set_string(s: String): Long
function set_raw(lo: Integer, hi: Integer): Long
Sets the value. Returns itself.
function dup(): Long
Creates a new long with the same value.
function add(other: Long): Long
function add_int(value: Integer): Long
function add_mod(other: Long): Long
function add_mod_int(value: Integer): Long
Adds another value into this. Returns itself. The mod variant is using modular arithmetic instead of throwing an error on overflow.
function sub(other: Long): Long
function sub_int(value: Integer): Long
function sub_mod(other: Long): Long
function sub_mod_int(value: Integer): Long
Subtracts another value from this. Returns itself. The mod variant is using modular arithmetic instead of throwing an error on overflow.
function mul(other: Long): Long
function mul_int(value: Integer): Long
function mul_mod(other: Long): Long
function mul_mod_int(value: Integer): Long
Multiplies another value with this. Returns itself. The mod variant is using modular arithmetic instead of throwing an error on overflow.
function div(other: Long): Long
function div_int(value: Integer): Long
Divides by another value and uses the result. Returns itself.
function rem(other: Long): Long
function rem_int(value: Integer): Long
Divides by another value and uses the remainder. Returns itself.
function and(other: Long): Long
function and(lo: Integer, hi: Integer): Long
Applies AND logic operation. Returns itself.
function or(other: Long): Long
function or(lo: Integer, hi: Integer): Long
Applies OR logic operation. Returns itself.
function xor(other: Long): Long
function xor(lo: Integer, hi: Integer): Long
Applies XOR logic operation. Returns itself.
function not(): Long
Inverts the bits. Returns itself.
function shl(amount: Integer): Long
Shifts the bits left (towards high order part). Only the low 6 bits are used from amount.
function shr(amount: Integer): Long
Shifts the bits right (towards low order part), replicating the highest bit (arithmetic shift). Only the low 6 bits are used from amount.
function ushr(amount: Integer): Long
Shifts the bits right (towards low order part), using zeros for the highest bits (logical/unsigned shift). Only the low 6 bits are used from amount.


function is_zero(): Boolean
Returns true when the value is zero.
function cmp(other: Long): Integer
function cmp_int(value: Integer): Integer
Compares the value with another integer. Returns negative result (when the value is smaller), zero (when the values are same) or positive result (when the value is bigger).
function to_int(): Integer
Returns the value as 32-bit integer, throwing an error in case it can't fit.
function to_unsigned_int(): Integer
Returns the value as 32-bit unsigned integer, throwing an error in case it can't fit.
function to_string(): String
Returns the string representation of the value.