FixScript Documentation
Version 0.9 (2024/05/05):
- Added ability to postprocess tokens after normal processing
- Added ability to compile and run dynamic code in token processors
- Added ability to create constant strings
- Added ability to get auto suspend handler in C API
- Added array_clear function
- Added ability to compare values in C API
- Added ability to call function references with parameters stored in array
- Improved fixscript_resolve_existing to return existing scripts so it can be used in normal script loading
- Improved performance of GC
- Changed cloning to not make copies of constant strings
- Changed object_extend function to give error when trying to make the object smaller
- Fixed parsing of negative numbers in stack_trace_lines constant
- Fixed memory leak when using tokens_parse function with improper parameters
- Fixed importing of already compiled scripts when loading from files
- Fixed internal reload script name not being replaced in stack traces
- Fixed crash in JIT due to non-updating of embedded references at one place
- Fixed parsing of integer constants followed by two dots to not be parsed as float constants
- Fixed charset conversion in built-in log function on Windows
- Fixed improper counting of instructions in asynchronous mode
- Fixed infinite loop in script_line function
- Fixed missing file name and line in errors for imports referencing non-existing scripts
- Fixed allocation of extra unneeded memory during JIT compilation
- Fixed limitation by stack size in array/hash literals and in string concatenations
- Fixed parsing of ternary operator in extended operator
- Fixed improper stack state for suspended native functions in asynchronous mode
- Fixed error reporting using wrong heap at one place in fixembed
Version 0.8 (2022/12/27):
- Added support for optional asynchronous mode (suspendable native functions, auto suspend after processing number of instructions)
- Added support for WebAssembly
- Added passing of invalid tokens to token processors
- Added filtering of control characters in logging functions
- Improved performance of array functions
- Changed syntax to allow multiple semicolons (empty statements)
- Changed tokenization of numbers (leading plus/minus is separate token now)
- Fixed passing of the whole source code to token processors
- Fixed rejection of general arrays containing just integers when unserializing
- Fixed checking for clear flags in arrays
- Fixed integer overflow when working with array flags
- Fixed issue with shared array types where different negative values resulted in different types in C API
- Fixed disallowing of keywords in function references
- Fixed parsing of float constants with exponent having leading plus
- Fixed clearing of indirect references to variables in switch statement in JIT compiler
- Fixed order of returned values in script_query function
- Fixed integer overflow in UTF-8/16 string functions
- Fixed conversion of floats to string using workaround due to non-existent locale variant in C library
Version 0.7 (2022/03/14):
- Added ability to get hash value using key from different heap in C API
- Added ability to get element size of array in C API
- Added ability to change stack size, also increased the default size
- Added ability to check arrays for having references in C API
- Added ability to protect references from native libraries that expose arbitrary references to scripts
- Added JIT compiler for x86 and x86_64 CPU architectures
- Improved C API to have easy ability to check for shared arrays, handles and function references
- Improved locking of arrays to provide direct pointer for non-shared arrays in C API
- Changed access parameter of fixscript_lock_array in C API
- Fixed handling of overflow for external reference counts to values and shared arrays
- Fixed crash on integer overflow in remainder operation
- Fixed unneeded upgrading of arrays when locking in C API
- Fixed parsing of extended operator with leading plus or minus sign
- Fixed exact comparison that incorrectly compared integer portion only
- Fixed integer overflow in string concatenation
Version 0.6 (2021/10/03):
- Added support for packed char literals
- Added unused symbols to be directly available for token processing
- Changed serialization format to be more compact
- Changed symbols to be directly represented in token type
- Removed unneeded extra symbol for appending to arrays (no syntax change)
- Fixed counting of total heap size when cloning shared arrays
- Fixed compatibility with Windows 2000
- Fixed traversing of invalid symlinks in fixembed
Version 0.5 (2021/05/12):
- Added ability to set time limit for execution of scripts
- Added ability to stop execution of scripts from another thread
- Added ifloor, iceil, clamp, fclamp, add64 and sub64 intrinsic functions
- Added script_line function
- Added non-heap references to shared arrays in C API
- Added array_get_element_size function
- Added ability to reload scripts in-place replacing previous functions
- Added variant of array_fill function for the whole array
- Added ability to retrieve list of functions from script
- Improved error reporting of syntax errors produced by token processors
- Changed to use full error when optional native function is called without obtaining the error
- Changed heap_size function to return size in kilobytes
- Changed tokens_parse function to return the reference of the tokens array
- Changed the way compiler errors are handled (values instead of strings)
- Changed and renamed fixscript_create_shared_array_from to be clear what it does
- Removed trailing newlines in fixscript_to_string and in compiler errors
- Fixed crash when calling non-existing functions when running token processors in fixembed
- Fixed compression of scripts in fixembed
- Fixed fixscript_dump_value to properly end line when newlines are not used
- Fixed fixscript_set_heap_data to properly free data on all errors
- Fixed comparison of unresolved function references
- Fixed wrong clearing of temporary roots when native handlers invoke root clearing operation during GC
- Fixed inadequate adding of shared arrays to temporary roots
- Fixed crash on unclosed multiline comments
- Fixed handling of strings that contain nulls when dumping and logging
- Fixed small memory leak in perf_log function
- Fixed missing string escaping in to_string and dump
- Fixed too small precision when converting doubles to string
- Fixed inability to catch stack overflow errors
- Fixed crash when getting script name or function with no script provided in C API
- Fixed writing of floats to shared arrays
Version 0.4 (2020/10/13):
- Added ability to change file name for specific lines in stack trace
- Added ability to insert virtual functions into stack trace
- Added escape sequence for 8-bit values in string and char literals
- Added safeguard against recursive GC collection during freeing of native handles
- Added ability to get native functions in C API
- Added checking for misaligned pointers in fixscript_create_shared_array_from
- Added fixscript_get_shared_array to get existing references to shared arrays
- Changed weak references to not allow referencing another weak reference directly
- Removed unneeded recursion limits for cloning and serialization
- Removed recursion in cloning, serialization and GC marking phase
- Fixed serialization of integers in arrays
- Fixed stack overflow errors to include stack trace
- Fixed parsing of floats to work with different locales
- Fixed passing of parameters to scripts in 64-bit Windows
Version 0.3 (2020/04/19):
- Added ability to mark and clone references held on the native side
- Added support for weak references
- Changed native handle function signature to pass pointer to heap
- Fixed reading of empty files in fixembed
- Fixed bug in obtaining of directory list in fixembed on Windows
- Fixed crash in script_query when querying constants that reference built-in constants
- Fixed checking for uninitialized heap keys for user data
- Fixed perf_log not working the first time on Windows
Version 0.2 (2020/02/06):
- Added compatibility with MSVC (ability to use switches instead of computed goto)
- Added running of token processors in fixembed to speedup loading of scripts
- Added compression in fixembed
- Added ability to exclude files in fixembed
- Added ability to embed binary files in fixembed
- Added string_from_utf8 and string_to_utf8 functions
- Changed free function signature for shared arrays with custom data
- Fixed incorrect embedded script names in the root directory (fixembed)
- Fixed wrong deallocation of user data attached to heap
- Fixed checking for negative lengths in serialized format
- Clarified how an empty array is serialized
Version 0.1 (2019/12/26):